2024 AAHSL New and Interim Director Symposium

The AAHSL Board and the New and Interim Directors Committee is excited to launch a new and unique year-long learning opportunity for new and interim library directors. This program will begin with a face-to-face session at the 2024 Annual Meeting in Atlanta. Three additional online sessions will be held in 2024-2025 with program completion by the 2025 AAHSL annual meeting. Facilitated by M.J. Tooey, MLS, AHIP, FMLA, retired Associate Vice Provost and Dean of the Health Sciences and Human Services Library at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, this program will be tailored to explore the specific needs of the 20-person cohort.

Applications for the 2024 New and Interim Director Symposium have closed. Thank you to all who applied!

Program Goals:

Due to the pandemic, many new and interim directors were unable to develop support networks among other directors, and actively engage with the AAHSL community. The goals of the program are to:

  1. Introduce new and interim directors to concepts, issues, challenges, and solutions faced when entering new or interim academic health sciences library leadership roles.
  2. Provide a supportive and safe space for challenging conversations and questions.
  3. Develop a cohort of trusted colleagues experiencing similar situations.
  4. Build a solid and trusting relationship with AAHSL as a professional home for academic health sciences library leaders.

Program Details:

  1. The program is open to new or interim directors who have undertaken these roles since 2020.
  2. The program is not open to anyone who has moved from one directorship to another, unless their first directorship began in 2020 or later.
  3. Enrollment will be first come, first served. If more than 20 people are interested, a waiting list will be created.
  4. The cost of the program is $75.00, payable within 10 days upon notification of selection into the program, indicating commitment to the program.
  5. Upon acceptance and payment, a survey will be sent to participants gauging topics of interest for the program.
  6. Consisting of four sessions, the first session of the program will be held in person, at the AAHSL annual meeting in Atlanta in November 2024 from 8:00am – Noon on Thursday, November 7 in Atlanta. The remaining three sessions will be held via video conferencing.
  7. Attendees must attend the November 2024 session in person. The remaining sessions will be held via videoconferencing.
  8. A separate AAHSL list will be created for the program and a Basecamp project area will also be created.